Press Relations
Good stories
for smart minds
Your company targets provide the frame – our ideas the picture to go in it. We develop and organise trips and events especially for journalists which give you the chance to show or address the issues which matter to you.
Do You want to
intensify the contact
to your customers?
We can help you to stay in touch with them. Personally, pleasantly, pertinently. Show that you understand the world of your customers and can make a valuable contribution towards making this world turn more easily and show its best side. Whether you are involved in building technology, the construction industry or the sanitary industry – we know the fascination which arises from being successful in these fields. And we want to share this feeling with you.
Under the trademark
Dr. Sälzer Pressedienst
we have been offering
since 1991:
- text writing and editing around the theme of building and housing by experienced specialist authors
- organising editorial meetings and press conferences
- qualified address datebase of all the relevant media groups
- first-class contacts to all the relevant editors
- full-service for your target editors
- complete cost transparency and certified quality management
We provide our clients’ press material for downloads on our website Dr. Sälzer Pressedienst (German versions only).